Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Anniversary #3.

September 30, 2006.

Heather and Jonathan married in Orlando, Florida, surrounded by dearest friends and family, and blown away at God's faithfulness at bringing them together, surviving years of dating with ups and downs, and ready to start a new adventure as husband and wife.

September 30, 2009.

Three years of marriage! I am big on celebrating every anniverary....Because divorce is so common and an easy way "out" in our society, so I am happy to report our committment and growth as we continue this adventure together in shared life. It is not always easy, but so worth it.

So, we started our marriage in Atlanta. Jonathan working in town while I worked opposite hours at a restaurant. We had fun sharing an apartment, talking long walks in Peachtree Hills, cooking lots of dinners in our new pots and pans, and swims at the Tuscany pool at night before bed.

Then came, "Let's move to DC", drive up for a weekend to confirm our decision, go to open houses, decide to buy a 580 square foot condo (after being in it for 5 minutes on previously mentioned weekend in DC to decide the next years of our lives), then I try to find a job, I do find a job, and in June 2007, we moved to DC.

So, we are still in our tiny but lovely condo. I am still at the said job, which I happen to love and many opportunities have come through this job to grow me professionally and personally, and we love the city, exploring the many things to do and being in this part of the country, close to many big cities, the mountains, the beaches, and such amazing weather with tastes of all the seasons. Our favorite thing to do is put on our running shoes and take some money and walk around DC all day....

Jonathan and I went to California this past weekend to celebrate his 28th birthday and our anniversary. With our wedding 5 days after Jonathan's birthday, the two seem to be combined, but Jonathan doesn't seem to mind. (At least this year, I remembered it WAS his birthday. The year of the wedding, I don't think I even mentioned it with "wedding" on my mind). It was such a special trip and we loved having time away together. So thankful!

What have I learned during these 3 years?

Let's see. Buying a house is stressful and hard but we survived and now its ok. Moving and a lot of transitions is hard during your first year of marriage. Being settled and not "on the move" is actually nice and not "boring", as I once would have imagined. Jonathan is far more faithful, loving, patient, giving and a servant than I ever would have guessed or wanted. He is so good to me. Marriage will definitly grow you up. There is not much room for selfishness (you both won't be happy) and you have to give in on the little things like not getting AS annoyed when your partner doesn't totally shut the kitchen cabinets (his pet peeve, my eternal flaw) or when whiskers are left on the sink every Monday morning after this sink was just spic and spanned cleaned on Sunday (UGH! My pet peeve...his whiskers!). But we've learned to laugh and yes we might bicker but its done with love and humor and the security of marriage and being assured of Jonathan's love and committment to me has mellowed me out and let me put my energy into other areas of life, such as work. For us both, this time in life seems to be filled with work, but we value our family the most and are always trying to figure out what that looks like together, today and in the future.

So, I am contemplative and thankful for my marriage and sweet husband. I know I don't deserve anything and it is by God's grace He has given us blessings and each other for pleasure and His purposes. Not sure what our 4th year will hold, but glad to be in this with Jonathan and our faithful God.

Here are some pictures....Our wedding was so darn fun and I have been thinking about how awesome it was all day...So memorable and amazing. I wish I could be there again tonight :)I wouldn't change a thing.

1 comment:

Bagwell's said...

I can't believe it's been 3 years! I hope this year is the best yet....We miss you two!