Sunday, March 15, 2009

Banana Pudding.

I don't think anyone chooses to work with children so they can feel uber appreciated each day. While I work hard, and am most of the time am happy to do it, with the kids, teenagers and parents here in DC, I don't expect "thank you's" or a general appreciation from them. Actually if I manage to not get attitude from a Mom or snide silence from a teenager, then that is a pretty good day. While I have a sense that most of the families are appreciative of me and my relationship with them, I am O.K. with not having a tangible demonstration of this appreciation.

However, this week one of the families I work with surprised me and totally made my day and probably my week. I am still beaming about it. As I was dropping off two of their teenage girls one night about 6pm after a girl's group, the little boy (who I also work with and have known 2 years now) and his little brother, come running out of the house, hyper and full of energy, no shirts on, and are knocking crazily at my window. They present me with a big Tupperware of banana pudding and are so excited that they almost drop it on the curb as I am trying to get the door open with them pushing against it.

You see a few weeks ago, when I was dropping one of the kids off I went inside to check in with their mother and Grannie, and they were in the middle of making banana pudding. I joked and said that banana pudding was my favorite, being from the South, and how nice it was to make it for me and all. Well, their Mom (who could certainly be described as "sassy" to put a positive spin on it) said, "This banana pudding is spoken for," continuing in a playful banter. I hadn't thought about it again until this week, when I got my own batch and it was delicious and such a sweet gesture that really encouraged me.

Hugs, smiles, small improvements and the kids in general make me love my work and the people I get to know, but a gift of banana pudding will be at the top of my list for awhile.

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