I don't normally give much attention to New Year's and markings of time such as birthdays and years changing. When I woke up on January 1, 2009, it really didn't feel that different than December 31, 2008, so I don't think I should try to "force" myself to make it seem monumental.
Recognizing the big picture and seeing life more globally is diffifult for me, so I tried to think today about this past year and what is has held.
-12 months living in DC. A full year of making this area our home and neighborhood.
-Making our condo feel like home with a few renovations and some fresh furniture.
-Turning off the navigation in my car because I know where I am going and drive around a lot.
-A year at my job, meeting and working with probably 30+ kids and families. Growing professionally and my heart being stretched in ways I didn't know possible.
-My social awareness has increased and my political ideals challenged.
-A solid year of marriage, celebrating 2 years in September. Easier than the first year in ways of knowing our "groove", weathering holidays with the other "side", and knowing what to expect in the day to day. Better that you have a foundation and even if something might try to "rock" you, the stability of your partner keeps you safe. Harder in the ways that this is "forever" and that every day together might not be paradise and that one's spouse can be annoying (I think the hardest lesson for me has been the realization that I am actually annoying to him! What, how could my cool self ever be annoying?! I am still in disbelief. Ha.)
-Welcoming my sister to DC in the summer and enjoying time with her as a neighbor and friend. Sharing life as "grown ups" together.
-Vacations skiing in Colorado with my family, Beach time with the Lively fam in the summer, Vegas get away for Jonathan and I in September, a few trips around the Northeast to NYC and Philly and the VA mountains for long weekends, and entertaining friends and family coming to see us in DC.
-New friends and relationships here. Every Tuesday night with ladies for spiritual growth and encouragement, occasional Thursday nights with work friends for "Self Soothing" and fun, meeting some married couple friends to support us in this stage of life, plus keeping in touch with so many good, old friends who are so dear, even though far away.
It has been a good year. As mentioned before, I have never been so "stable" before in my life with no major change (that I know about) lurking in the near future. While I used to find this to be entrapping and suffocating, I am learning to embrace being present in the here and now. For the first time ever in my life, I don't have an "exit strategy" for my current life, whether that be a move, change in job, relationship, etc, and I am happy about it. Seeing relatives and friends in Florida over the holidays, I could honestly say, I love DC and our life there and don't see us leaving anytime soon (or ever). Of course, I don't control all that happens in life and we will accept whatever God has for us, and I know life can bring surprises, in tragedies and joys, so I pray for continued grace to embrace all that could be.
Now for 2009, some challenges and hopes....
-Growth in my career. I am currently taking grad classes that I need to pursue licensure and hope 2009 holds the key to becoming a licensed professional counselor in Washington, DC. This will lead to great job opportunities and growth. For me, as I grow professionally, this stretches all parts of my personality, since I work with people and systems. The more I know and experience in the field, the more it influence my whole person, in and out of work. I don't compartmentalize myself well.
-Maturity in my marriage. Learning how to be less selfish, more thoughtful, more intentional with our time together and all that God has given us with our finances, resources and time.
-Mentoring project in DC. I have thoughts and desires for creating a mentoring program for kiddos in DC. Basically, I see a lot of kids who need mentors to invest in their lives (waiting lists for 1+ years) and I know a lot of great adults who I think would love to share some of their lives with a child. Now I just have to figure out the logistics of pairing these people together! Anyone with experiences/resources/contacts for non-profit development and mentoring, please let me know. I am prayerful as I explore this conviction and leading in my life to begin such a venture. This will also allow me to continue to invest in my community here in DC.
-Learning how to better hold onto old traditions and then also make new traditions. I had a hard time this past holiday season going through the motions of old family practices which are beginning to feel more foreign and dead. I want to have new traditions with my husband and in our own life. But I hate to hurt feelings or disappoint our loved ones and families. Not sure how to reconcile my wants and needs and all those of everyone else. With the holidays almost a year away, I already feel anxiety thinking about it and I don't think that is what the holidays should be about...Maybe another year will give me some answers.
-Church. I am prayerful that this year will give us direction in our involvement in a church. We both have issues with most churches (not the body of Christ, but the meetings of the institutional church) and not sure what to do, what to think, where to go, if to go, etc.
-Continuing to learn how to be free in Christ but also disciplined and intentional in seeking God and His plan for my life. Learning how to sanctified but not under the law. Being real in my shortcomings and vulnerable with others to reflect my need for God and His greatness in meeting my need.
I have had glimpses of things already ahead in 2009, and have been delightfully reminded of God's faithfulness. I am so easy to doubt and then always surprised (when I shouldn't be) when God is ahead of the game and knows myself and my desires more than me.....May you also be delighted and surprised at all that is ahead for you in 2009, to have joy admist sadness and perspective to be thankful admist the celebrations, that there is a season for everything and our place to be content whatever season life might bring.....and to know that one would not be as good, or bad, without the other to compare it to, and that life's richness comes from a variety of experiences and perspectives. Cheers to 2009!
1 comment:
Cute pictures! I miss you and love keeping up with you through here. Cheers to 209!
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