Monday, August 4, 2008


I love to read other people's blogs. I can spend a whole night reading, browsing, looking at others lives through the pictures and words of their blogs. Is this weird? Sometimes I think its a sad sign of our society...It feels so hard to connect in real life, that I resort to sitting on my couch alone, reading and "connecting" (but not really) to words and people, possibly worlds away. It is not uncommon for Jonathan to come and find me with tears flowing as I stare at the computer screen....after feeling and "being" with someone's suffering through their words.

And while I could sit here asking exisential questions all day about whether this is productive or maladaptive, instead I have decided to begin this, my own (public) journal of sorts. Inspiration from others who have gone before include components such as:

-Connection...I am able to relate to others in their experiences + keep in touch with some who are far away
-Conviction... My heart is convicted by others experiences and shared thoughts and emotions.
-Growth... I am challenged by others experiences. Maybe they are different than my own, maybe I don't agree with everything said, yet I grow by knowledge of more variety than my own perspective.
-Vulnerability...I can become calloused. Reading someone else's heartfelt words, break my hardness of heart and bring raw emotion to the surface. To feel.

May I be geniune and true. Or at least in my struggle to be so.

Ps- Does this thing have spell check?!

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