Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland.

I am okay with winter when it means beautiful snow. I can't help but get really happy and tickled as I am driving around and flakes are falling. Growing up, I saw and played in snow on vacations, but to live day to day life when it snows is still a new adventure. Plus, this is not Michigan or Chicago, where snow is a nightmare. In DC its really not a bother and is more like dancing little flecks spreading joy to people in the world. Or just me. Wish it would stay or dance for me some more tomorrow.

Ice is in the forecast instead. Not as cheery?!

P.S.- The pictures are from our street, the brick building is where we live. "Cute", right? Snow on bare tree branches is my favorite.

1 comment:

KatieG said...

I love the pics. We are having a pretty heavy snow right now outside my window and I think I'm going to take some pictures today. I loved chatting with you last night! Let's keep our computers on at night and keep each other company more often. I loved that you said you keep yours on at night, it's like a friend is only a click away if I needed it. (can you tell I live on a lonely little island!!)