Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday smatterings....

1. “When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand."
The wisdom of Henri Nouwen....
In my job, marriage, friendships and family this is what I am working on. Mr. Nouwen always inspires me in his words and writings.
2. Jonathan made me a homemade birthday cake from a box last night and it is still making me happy, as I had it for breakfast and a little more for lunch. It even has sprinkles and is iced perfectly.
3. Funny story about why its good for me work with kids from the week: Woke up with a lovely blemish on my nose, red and inflamed. All day various kids and teens asked me, " What is wrong with your nose, Ms. Heather." The greatest response when I said, "Oh it just a zit that I had when I woke up this morning," kind of reponse, one girl said, "Oh I thought you got your nose pierced!" Ahhh kids, reminders not to take yourself so seriously and to laugh at things that really aren't funny (like facial bumps).
4. Watching food network right now and Giada is making a champagne sangria! Doesn't that sound nice? I have never heard of one but would like to try. Thanks tiny lil' Giada woman.
5. I am starting to plan a real vacation for Jonathan and I. Thinking Costa Rica. Any suggestions? Warm, sunny, tropical and a kinda remote, rustic place to stay is what we are looking for and not too pricey. Help.
Happy Saturday.


KatieG said...

I love your random thoughts! Reading this I felt like I had spent the afternoon with you. And I just told Ryan that for my birthday this year I want him to bake me a cake AND decorate it. I love it!

Amanda Ogden said...

i can totally relate to eating cake at every meal if it is available :)